Friday, May 08, 2009

Coffee Time!

Coffee & conversation...a perfect combination when you're sitting by a café or local coffee shop. I remember the time when my hubby and I used to stroll around Worthington, OH...find a cafe or local coffee shop and just sit and hang out. A perfect location for us to talk while our little one at that time was snoozing on her cozy stroller. Of course, it is partnered with a perfect cup of coffee.

After moving here in Kentucky, overwhelmed by the transition and changes in our life...we lessened our café visit or tried not to go to coffee shops. We opted to make our own espresso and latte at home and grind our own coffee. It wasn't bad, with the economy...we did saved a lot by not going all the time to coffee shops. Although to be honest, I do missed the ambiance, music and the sound of the coffee being grounded in a coffee shop.

When my sister-in-law asked me to help her with her online coffee shop, I was more than willing to help her. Who can resist coffee...oops I mean who can resist my sister-in-law? She's such a sweetheart...and of course, can't resist the coffee! The mission of her site is to bring people together in one place online and experience good coffee. Visit Blarney Stone Cafe and see for yourself how you can experience good coffee and meet good people.

1 comment:

kristina said...

coffee grinder and espresso machine are on my wish list :)