Friday, April 24, 2009


HOPE...that's a 4 letter word, a big word which grown-ups likes us needs to re-learn again. After the series of events in the past year, we have focused on the economy and how to bail out the failing big companies.
As a mom, the word NO is also a constant word coming out from my mouth. No, you can climb up there. No, you can't eat that because it's not good for you. No, you need to sleep on your own bed instead of sleeping on mommy & daddy's bed. No, you can't chase the ducks onto the water.

These two words, HOPE and NO are very different words with different meanings but it is the essence of removing fear out of our lives. I can only say NO to my child for as long as I can and I will continue to love her no matter what. Needless to say, I'm continuously hoping that she will learn from the words NO and if she makes mistakes or fail, the word NO will remind her that there is tomorrow and it's time to get up and move on.

For more hope...go to

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