Monday, February 23, 2009

One week so far

Last week was a different experience seating by my desk in front of the computer screen for long hours. Not working on graphics design or artistic stuff but answering calls from customers similar to a call center manner.

Yeah, I got a temporary job as a work-at-home agent in a call center which supposed to be a one-month project. Unfortunately, the one-month term lasted for only a week as the call volume became low and the project has to end. It was like a whirlwind of changes last week as I start the new job and at the same time, our daughter started going to the daycare for the first time. All in the same week, my husband started his new shift as well which became one big week of transition for us.

But that week is done as I bid farewell to my fellow virtual co-workers last night. We called my daughter's daycare this morning that she won't be coming in this week anymore. As I think about it, was a cool experience but we have to face the reality that with this economy, anything can happen. Tomorrow, I start looking for a job again. Today, I'll enjoy my time with my daughter and hubby.

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